At PLAST 2023, Powerpol presented its innovations in the area of recycling
Powerpol is the ideal partner for companies looking for innovative and future-oriented technical solutions. Present on the market since 2015, the Turin-based company has reached remarkable milestones in the production of compounds based on polypropylene and polyamide of any type and, upon request, also of other polymers such as PBT, PC/ABS, ABS. This versatility, combined with the flexibility resulting from a young and dynamic structure devoted to innovation, is Powerpol’s strength.
During the Plast 2023 fair where Powerpol was present with its stand for the first time, there were many new proposals on offer that mainly concern the recycling aspect on which the company is focusing heavily.
Many customers expressed considerable interest in the two new product families presented at the fair:
– CICLY Compounds: products that contain a percentage of Post Consumer recycled (PCR) material, created to meet high standard properties with lower costs and reducing environmental impact. The products made on PP and PA basis guarantee the use of recycled material from Post Consumer in the amount of at least 30%.
– HETA-C Compounds: products made using recycled material from Post Consumer (PCR), designed to meet the new needs of the global market with particular attention to recycling and circular economy. Products made on PP and PA basis guarantee the use of recycled material from Post Consumer (PCR) in the amount between 70% and 98%.
These two new families arise from the need to meet a constant demand for Post Consumer recycled material (PCR) that comes from the market. The challenge is to make Technical Compounds using this recycled material from Post Consumer that is ennobled by adding special additives and fillers and transformed through cutting-edge technologies that allow the material not to lose its mechanical and thermal characteristics. The realization of these new materials takes place through a constant research and development path that has as its strong point the completely renovated in-house laboratory which can carry out a very wide and detailed range of analysis starting from raw materials up to finished product.
In fact, the key aspect in the creation of Post Consumer based Compound is to select and control the raw materials used very carefully; this allows formulations to be studied much more accurately, thus achieving a reduction in the time it takes to produce offers and samples.
This speed in responding to the customer today allows Powerpol to be an ideal partner for those companies that want to push themselves towards new horizons using materials that do not yet exist and that must be studied and manufactured in customer-supplier partnership. For its part, Powerpol guarantees the flexibility and experience that distinguish it and that have aenabled it in recent years to achieve important milestones in the recycling of industrial waste (PIR) used in the realization of the two families of materials already consolidated: the EASY Compounds and the THETA-R Compounds
Powerpol ensures the optimal response to the needs of the market, both in sectors that require strict requirements for thermal and mechanical properties, and for consumer products that need to better meet the aesthetic character. The daily commitment goes in the direction of optimizing the production process by developing more and more new products in the field of material recovery to ensure its customers a constant quality and make its contribution to the protection of the environment creating a real and effective circular economy.
The compounds produced by Powerpol are able to meet the needs of the most diverse sectors, from the automotive sector, which must guarantee at least 30% of recycled raw material, to industrial components, gears, agriculture, white goods, furniture, gardening and construction.
50% of the products is dedicated to exports to countries such as France, Germany, Spain, Tunisia and Portugal where 70% is sold under the Powerpol brand, while the remaining 30% is delivered to foreign distributors. This propensity to export has always been a strong point of the company that despite the small size, has always believed in the collaboration with its partners that are a fundamental support for the growth and development of the company.