Bruno Folcieri holds a prominent position in the international landscape of plastic granulating machine manufacturers
For 77 years, the Bruno Folcieri company has been investing in research and technology to offer the market innovative solutions. The growth path has been marked by important milestones that have seen the Cremona-based company become a reference player in the plastics sector, establishing itself as an important industrial reality in the development, design and construction of plants for shredding post-consumer waste and waste recovered from post-industrial processing.
Bruno Folcieri’s market offer consists of three main lines of granulators for plastic materials, TOP, HF and EASY POWER, dedicated to various grinding needs. In addition to being made with high quality materials and 100% Made in Italy, the TOP Line granulators feature high safety standards, a custom-made configuration, remarkable ease of maintenance, in a wide range of models that guarantee high productivity. On request, they can be completed with accessories to optimise the transport and processing of materials.
The appreciation for Folcieri’s technology is global. The company exports all over the world with a particular focus on fast-growing markets such as Asia and the United States. A Made in Italy that is increasingly a guarantee of innovation and quality. The assistance service is guaranteed all over the world with specialised and highly qualified personnel able to deal with any type of intervention seriously and punctually, supported by a large warehouse dedicated to the supply of spare parts.
The company has long been actively engaged in the development of ‘intelligent’ machines in an Industry 4.0 perspective with on-site and remote systems. This allows the company’s TPC/IP network connection and Internet connection to support the operators in the configuration of the control system.
At the PLAST 2023 trade fair, we met Ezio Zoppi and his daughter Esmeralda, who are not only successful entrepreneurs at the helm of an internationally renowned company, but also exquisite people with unwavering enthusiasm.
“I married Graziella, Bruno Folcieri’s daughter, in 1970 and in 1973 I started working with them,’ Ezio Zoppi recounts. The company at that time was a workshop aiming to offer quality products without any desire to get too big. But the potential was enormous and I realised that there was an opportunity to develop new business. I started to expand the workshop and in the 1990s we bought a 17,000-square-metre field where we slowly built the new halls. And we have been expanding ever since. We put a lot of effort into everything we do and we have tried to grow in a harmonious and balanced way, taking care of both the satisfaction of our employees and our customers. I feel I have nothing to reproach myself for, because I have always done my work with my head, but above all with my heart.
I was born in ’45 and people relationships used to be the most important thing, even at work. I always valued a handshake more than a written contract. Although times have changed a lot between then and now, for me a customer is also a friend, so I always try to give him the utmost attention and care, and if he is in difficulty, I also work on Sundays to support him and solve his problem. We have always focused on quality and this has made us reliable partners for our customers.
Today we consider it crucial to train young people to build their future by enthusing them about mechanics and getting them used to using their intelligence to create innovation. Unfortunately, the new generations no longer know how to use their hands, whereas as children we learned from our parents and were encouraged to get busy: this taught us the value of money, of saving, of the importance of building a future, all values that tend to be lost today. Those who have had that kind of relationship really have the measure of how valuable human relationships are and how much satisfaction there is in learning a craft and being able to pass it on, to the point of creating your own business and seeing it grow over time.
The fortune of a company depends on many factors; sometimes good will alone is not enough to make it successful. But I am convinced that surrounding oneself with the right people, internally with good employees and externally with trustworthy partners and customers, is the prerequisite for creating a stable and lasting business.
“Maintaining our identity as a family business and focusing on technological innovation continue to be the main cornerstones of our daily business, says Esmeralda Zoppi. Market dynamics require concreteness in dealing with the changes taking place in recycling. And we plant manufacturers have a crucial role to play in implementing the much-acclaimed circular economy. This is why we offer machinery that guarantees efficiency, in terms of containing consumption, and high performance in terms of output, always in line with our customers’ needs. We have focused on extremely robust machinery for intensive high output applications. And we are proud of the response of our customers, who allow us to export our Made in Italy, which is a guarantee of innovation and quality, all over the world”.