Laborplast, specialista in compound, anime e semilavorati in PVC rigenerato e vergine
Most of the PVC products have a rather long longevity and durability. This means greater efficiency in the use of natural resources. Furthermore, PVC products require little maintenance, with consequent savings both in economic and environmental terms. Thanks to the reduced presence of carbon (<40%), PVC is the plastic material that makes the least contribution to CO2 emissions. Eco-efficiency and LCA studies on the main PVC products show that in terms of energy consumption and global warming potential, the behaviour of PVC is comparable to that of alternative materials and in many cases even better. For these reasons, PVC products have obtained excellent evaluations in terms of environmental performance and sustainability by important international research and environmental certification institutions.
Laborplast has been operating for over 60 years in the recycling of rigid PVC, used in the production of compounds, for extrusion and injection moulding, and of winding cores for packaging industry.
The history of the company began in 1958, when the Pariani family started the production of PVC pipes for the local construction industry. Over time, the company has evolved under the name Laborplast, following new market inputs. The owners, aware of the strong development of industrial packaging, have developed the production of PVC winding cores for plastic films.
In the mid-90s, thanks to the trust of customers who appreciate its innovative capacity, Laborplast makes a first important investment with the replacement of single-screw extrusion systems with the most performing twin-screw extruders. With the new millennium, a high-capacity regeneration plant was purchased to offer the recycled PVC compound to the market as well. The strength of this product is the possibility to be formulated according to the specific needs and indications of the individual customer: a feature that has shown positive market feedback right from its birth.
With 25,000 tons of recycled PVC processed in 2021, Laborplast is one of the major companies in Italy for production capacity and for research and innovation. In past years, recycled plastic was a second-rate raw material, useful only in economic terms. Today, however, many companies are much more attentive to the issue of sustainability and are interested in using recycled PVC in order to significantly reduce the environmental impact of their products.
Laborplast has carried out numerous projects in order to quantify the reductions in environmental impacts resulting from the use of recycled PVC. In particular, an LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) study was carried out to concretely assess the impact of the products on the environment, considering their entire life cycle.
The company is also working on obtaining a product certification, in order to guarantee the percentage of regenerated PVC used in each product through a control of the entire production chain.
Laborplast will participate in the K 2022 fair in Düsseldorf and will be pleased to welcome all visitors interested in its product range and in a shared path of eco-sustainable growth.
Over the last few years, recycled PVC compounds have become Laborplast’s core business. The strength of this product is the possibility of proposing formulations based on the specific needs of the customer. The compounds thus obtained are suitable for extrusion processes (of pipes and profiles) and injection moulding. Each production batch is tested by technicians in the internal laboratory before being shipped to customers.
Winding cores
Laborplast PVC pipes (cores) are among the main productions of the company. These products are for the most part produced starting from UPVC-EPI compound, which guarantees excellent mechanical and aesthetic characteristics. Their field of application is extremely varied: industrial flexible packaging, agricultural films, fabrics and non-woven geotextiles.
Semi-finished products
Grazie a eccellenti performance, buona stabilità dimensionale, elevata resistenza ai prodotti chimici e alle intemperie, ottimo comportamento dielettrico e al fuoco e alla loro facile le lavorabilità , i semilavorati in PVC vengono utilizzati per varie applicazioni: ingranaggi, viti, raccordi; supporti per bagni galvanici, flange, corpi pompa, valvole; corpi isolanti per il comparto elettrico; componenti di arredi.